Wednesday 4 March 2009

Chapter VIIII: Sonic & Knuckles is Insanely Hard

Its been a slow week so far on this blog. On Thursday, there will be the weekly review. This week's is Prince of Persia, so stay viewed for that.

Meanwhile, I'm still eternally struggling with the Mega Drive. Being a SNES kid, I find the pace of Sonic ridiculous, and the lack of Goombas disturbing.

Arrogantly, I've by-passed trying to solo complete Sonic 1 & 2 (I completed Sonic 2 in Mallorca on my cousin's Mega Drive when I was 14. Who needs sun and sea when your holiday home has a 90s game console?), and instead decided to give Sonic & Knuckles a bash.

While it is fun being Knuckles and gliding everywhere, the difficulty curve is all over the place. Act II, Flying Battery Zone is insanely hard. I cannot get past it. I tried with about 4 lives and 2 continues and just could'nt do it. Stupid game.

I've completed 3 Metal Gear Solid games but I can't get past Act 2 of Sonic and Knuckles?


Feel free to comment below on a) how i'm terrible generally at games b) how Sonic and Knuckles is actually easy or c) why this blog is now talking about Mega Drive and not XBox and is totally defeating the object.

Normality will resume tomorrow. I promise.

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