Friday 13 March 2009

Chapter 14: Achievements of the Week 6-13 March

-credit tchuntfr

With a distinct lack of XBox action again this week (bar about 6 hours yesterday), the chances are slim that I will build upon last week's awesome-for-me Oscar worthy total of 270 gamerpoints.

The rundown of this week's achievements are below.

Also this weekend will be blog-tastic, as I shall retrospectively review Aladdin on the Sega Mega Drive, and add some more witty, insightful content.

Or worst comes to worst i'll post a funny video.

So stay F5'd (that's the refresh button).

11/03/09- Reality Star (Saints Row 2): Completed all levels of FUZZ (15G)

11/03/09- Going the Distance (Saints Row 2): Threw someone a long, long way (5G)

12/03/09- Soprano (Saints Row 2): Sung along to the radio (10G)

12/03/09- Love Thy Neighbour (Saints Row 2): Grabbed 50 human shields (5G)

Total Gamerpoints: 35

I know, I know, it doesn't look good. Not. One. Bit.

But there's always next week...right?

Gamerpoints review so far:
  • 13-20 Feb: 160
  • 20-27 Feb: 60
  • 27-6 March: 270
  • 6-13 March: 35

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