Sunday 29 March 2009

Chapter 22: Achievements of the Week 20-27 March

- credit gamerscoreblog

Without further ado, 2 days later than planned, (I was writing a 16-page radio comedy script treatment on Friday, I have my excuses), here is my achievements of the previous week.

I'm not going to lie, it's poor.

22/03/2009- Fling yourself at it (FIFA09): Score with a diving header in a match (20G)

22/03/09- Screamer! (FIFA09): Score from over 30 yards out in a match (10G)

23/03/2009- Challenger (Street Fighter IV): Clear a Challenge in Challenge Mode (10G)

26/03/2009- Off the Boat (Grand Theft Auto 4): You have completed the first mission (5G)

Total Gamerpoints: 45

So a rather poor week after my previous best. Oh well. No excuses...other than the aforementioned script writing.

Gamerpoints review so far:
  • 13-20 Feb: 160
  • 20-27 Feb: 60
  • 27-6 March: 270
  • 6-13 March: 35
  • 13-20 March: 530
  • 20-27 March: 45

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