Sunday 12 April 2009

Chapter 29: Achievements of the Week 3-10 April

- credit dullhunk

So here is the belated run-down of this week's XBox achievements. After last week's rather unimpressive 0 gamerpoints, you'll be pleased to be informed that I have achieved something, yay!

It's not a lot, but it will do.

Please bear in mind when judging me that I have been trying to do work this week. Also i've spent the majority of the week back in love with the Call of Duty: World at War multiplayer and trying my best (and failing) to improve my kill/death ratio and own the n00bs.

Oh and credit Scott Thomas with this first achievement. He got it after I tried for about 3 months, so kudos to him. It was a joyous moment.

04/04/2009- Bend it like a pro (Fifa09): Score from a free kick in a match (15G)

10/04/2009- The Gipson Curse (Fifa09): Go into an online match after choosing your own arena player (10G)

Total Gamerpoints: 25

Gamerpoints review so far:
  • 13-20 Feb: 160
  • 20-27 Feb: 60
  • 27-6 March: 270
  • 6-13 March: 35
  • 13-20 March: 530
  • 20-27 March: 45
  • 27-3 April: 0
  • 3-10 April: 25

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