Thursday 9 April 2009

Chapter 28: War, What Is It Good For? Lowering K/D Ratios But Pwning N00bs.

- credit tonyolm

Just been playing Call of Duty: World at War again on multiplayer with Dan.

One great mode one should play if they ever get the chance is the War mode. It's awesome, basically it's 6 vs 6 and you have to capture flags. It's all out carnage. Brutal but brilliant.

A lot more thought tactically has to go into it than in the Team Deathmatch mode (which is the most popular).

I've certainly had a gay old time on there.

Check it out. Here is a video of the gameplay. Tis not the best quality but going on Youtube and looking for the war mode springs up a ridiculous amount of Nazi zombie videos. And who wants to see that?

EDIT: Just watched the video with the volume up. That is not me narrating. One, i'm not American. Two, i'm nowhere near as good as this guy.

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