Tuesday 7 April 2009

Chapter 27: Nostalgia Rules The Start Of The Week

- credit mharrsch

So I thought I would update you on things (that is what a blog is for anyway).

So as XBox continues its very slow and painful push towards summer and the hot new releases that wait upon us then, I have been drawn back into my PS2.

This is partly down to Wrestlemania 25. I've been a wrestling fan since I was like 12 and have always watched it on and off through the years. Since I moved to Uni, i've kinda lost touch. But we ordered WM25 cause it's cool like.

Yesterday in the aftermath of the event (Undertaker vs HBK= sick) me and Scott (PLUG! Check his blog here) went to town and bought WWE SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain for a beautiful £1.50 from CEX.

What a bargain.

And so we played it...for hours.

It's an awesome game. Check it out. We're currently trying to get Kane to Wrestlemania.

I should be doing an important dissertation, I haven't though.

That is my update.

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