Wednesday 25 February 2009

Chapter V: It's Zero Punctuation Wednesday!

This blog has been around a couple of weeks now and hopefully you've pressed many google ads, marvelled at my cool collection and looked at the Linkometer to your right.

Especially the one that says Zero Punctuation.

Zero Punctuation is a series by Ben 'Yahtzee' Croshaw that you can find on

Every Wednesday at 5pm GMT you can find a new video as he bluntly reviews the latest and best games around.

The reviews are superb (not a word I throw around lightly) and frankly very funny. Definately check him out each week, although he does review all consoles games not just 360.

Just for you this weeks review of Fear 2 is embedded below.

Tomorrow will come a review. Prince of Persia or SFIV. I haven't decided yet. By all means comment on which you'd prefer. I'll try to better last weeks that's for sure. Tata. x

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