- credit plynoi
In the past couple of days i've been pondering the appeal of online multiplayer.
After all, 8 months ago I didn't have XBox Live and my life seemed a little less pre-occupied and my personality a lot less addictive.
Now it's all changed.
The past 2 weeks, since Easter really (or Map Pack 1), i've been pretty hooked as you are all aware on Call of Duty: World at War.
Now a number of problems come from this.
One, I can't keep writing about playing CoD on this blog all the time as it is boring to you.
Two, what do I really achieve from it all?
I mean so far since October i've clocked up 2 days, 3 hours of gametime on one game. And for what?
At level 65 you reach prestige and get a secret achievment of 0 gamerpoints (why?), other than that, nothing. You don't gain anything, you earn nothing. You just keep going.
The truth is though, it's fun.
After a while, you can kill all the AI in the world and it will get well mundane.
But online, every game is different. Sure it's frustrating. Really frustrating. Horrid in fact.
Especially when you're clearly facing people with no lives who absolutely destroy you at every turn.
But playing with friends, teaming up, unleashing hell, that's awesome.
So awesome that i've been thinking of expanding my online gaming past CoD and Halo 3. Maybe Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (backwards I know but it's still very popular) or Gears of War 2 (haven't played either but all the kids are down with it).
So yeah, something to think about today.
Better than watching the Budget....Am I Right?
In the past couple of days i've been pondering the appeal of online multiplayer.
After all, 8 months ago I didn't have XBox Live and my life seemed a little less pre-occupied and my personality a lot less addictive.
Now it's all changed.
The past 2 weeks, since Easter really (or Map Pack 1), i've been pretty hooked as you are all aware on Call of Duty: World at War.
Now a number of problems come from this.
One, I can't keep writing about playing CoD on this blog all the time as it is boring to you.
Two, what do I really achieve from it all?
I mean so far since October i've clocked up 2 days, 3 hours of gametime on one game. And for what?
At level 65 you reach prestige and get a secret achievment of 0 gamerpoints (why?), other than that, nothing. You don't gain anything, you earn nothing. You just keep going.
The truth is though, it's fun.
After a while, you can kill all the AI in the world and it will get well mundane.
But online, every game is different. Sure it's frustrating. Really frustrating. Horrid in fact.
Especially when you're clearly facing people with no lives who absolutely destroy you at every turn.
But playing with friends, teaming up, unleashing hell, that's awesome.
So awesome that i've been thinking of expanding my online gaming past CoD and Halo 3. Maybe Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (backwards I know but it's still very popular) or Gears of War 2 (haven't played either but all the kids are down with it).
So yeah, something to think about today.
Better than watching the Budget....Am I Right?
You guys wont believe this but I got a Xbox Live code and it was valid! If you want one go to freexboxliveforever► com - See more at: http://freexboxliveforever.com/#sthash.DUmSkIHW.dpuf