In the past couple of days i've been pondering the appeal of online multiplayer.
After all, 8 months ago I didn't have XBox Live and my life seemed a little less pre-occupied and my personality a lot less addictive.
Now it's all changed.
The past 2 weeks, since Easter really (or Map Pack 1), i've been pretty hooked as you are all aware on Call of Duty: World at War.
Now a number of problems come from this.
One, I can't keep writing about playing CoD on this blog all the time as it is boring to you.
Two, what do I really achieve from it all?
I mean so far since October i've clocked up 2 days, 3 hours of gametime on one game. And for what?
At level 65 you reach prestige and get a secret achievment of 0 gamerpoints (why?), other than that, nothing. You don't gain anything, you earn nothing. You just keep going.
The truth is though, it's fun.
After a while, you can kill all the AI in the world and it will get well mundane.
But online, every game is different. Sure it's frustrating. Really frustrating. Horrid in fact.
Especially when you're clearly facing people with no lives who absolutely destroy you at every turn.
But playing with friends, teaming up, unleashing hell, that's awesome.
So awesome that i've been thinking of expanding my online gaming past CoD and Halo 3. Maybe Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (backwards I know but it's still very popular) or Gears of War 2 (haven't played either but all the kids are down with it).
Be warned, i've just finished playing 5 straight hours of Call of Duty: World at War so my brain is frazzled.
Basically as I've said before June is a great month for XBox games. The Ghostbusters game is released but also Batman: Arkham Asylum.
And Eidos have promised it will be the best Batman game EVER!
It looks awesome. The plot revolves around the Joker trapping Batman in Arkham Asylum and the caped crusader having to go round and kick butt. All the voices come from the Animated Series and the gameplay involves stealth and action. Imagine Metal Gear Solid combined with erm Batman.
Below are two preview videos that have been released about some of the villians in the game. Remember when Bane was in Batman & Robin the movie and sucked? Well Bane in this game looks badass!!!!!
He broke Batman's back in the comics and he looks like he could destroy him here too. There's also one of Harley Quinn who I've never truly appreciated but they slutted her out so that's cool. Enjoy.
This is a HUGE update on all things going on with me and my blog. Again I apologise for lack of updates lately, but I have work to do. Work I don't do. Work I continuously struggle to complete.
So let's give you a run-down of all things going on XBox-wise with moi, the blog master.
I am continuing my quest to play as much Call of Duty: World at War whilst at the same time lowering my kill/death ratio as much as humanely possible. It sucks. I'm down to 0.83. Now I know a lot of you may be thinking i'm whining about nothing, but within my group circle, the prestigious K/D Spread is seen as a sign of excellance.
Without it, I am nothing but a mere n00b.
Apart from that I have moved on to a new game. Mr. Dan, my esteemed colleague and housemate has lent me the Robert Ludlem's The Bourne Conspiracy game.
So here comes the review part of this post.
After playing it for an hour last night, i'm quite torn on how much I like this game. On the one hand, it's an awesome movie tie-in that really gives you a sense of being Jason Bourne. The story is mainly taken from the Bourne Identity and the fight scenes are well choreagraphed.
On the other hand, the game is massively flawed. Those said fights, whilst cool at first, soon become repetative and boring, only split up by Bourne's different takedown maneuvers.
The targetting, aiming and shooting systems are all crap. Do you remember Bourne in the trilogy going around with a shotgun picking off baddies like a pissed John McClane? No? Me neither. It happens in this game.
I understand you can't just have Bourne stealth kicking ass through the whole game and some gunplay splits it up. But Bourne only used a gun when required in the films because he rocked the shizz at hand-to-hand. He didn't blow guys heads off at will.
So that's what i've got so far.
Rating: 7/10
Gamerpoints achieved so far: 35/1000
And finally, the gamerpoints for this week.
I would split this up into a seperate post. But again, there isn't many gamerpoints and i'm in the rhythm right now.
16/04/2009- Dangerous Beginning (The Bourne Conspiracy): Completed Dangerous Beginning(15G)
16/04/2009- Homebody (The Bourne Conspiracy): Collected 5 passports (5G)
16/04/2009- Shipyard Infiltration (The Bourne Conspiracy): Completed Shipyard Infiltration(15G)
Total Gamerpoints: 35
Gamerpoints review so far:
13-20 Feb: 160
20-27 Feb: 60
27-6 March: 270
6-13 March: 35
13-20 March: 530
20-27 March: 45
27-3 April: 0
3-10 April: 25
10-17 April: 35
So as you can see we're improving each week. So that's good news.
Anyway, that is the end of my mega super update. I promise more content will be added over the weekend and I won't neglect. Honest.
As normal, comment below with anything you want. As long as it's not mean.
So here is the belated run-down of this week's XBox achievements. After last week's rather unimpressive 0 gamerpoints, you'll be pleased to be informed that I have achieved something, yay!
It's not a lot, but it will do.
Please bear in mind when judging me that I have been trying to do work this week. Also i've spent the majority of the week back in love with the Call of Duty: World at War multiplayer and trying my best (and failing) to improve my kill/death ratio and own the n00bs.
Oh and credit Scott Thomas with this first achievement. He got it after I tried for about 3 months, so kudos to him. It was a joyous moment.
04/04/2009- Bend it like a pro (Fifa09): Score from a free kick in a match(15G)
10/04/2009- The Gipson Curse (Fifa09): Go into an online match after choosing your own arena player(10G)
Just been playing Call of Duty: World at War again on multiplayer with Dan.
One great mode one should play if they ever get the chance is the War mode. It's awesome, basically it's 6 vs 6 and you have to capture flags. It's all out carnage. Brutal but brilliant.
A lot more thought tactically has to go into it than in the Team Deathmatch mode (which is the most popular).
I've certainly had a gay old time on there.
Check it out. Here is a video of the gameplay. Tis not the best quality but going on Youtube and looking for the war mode springs up a ridiculous amount of Nazi zombie videos. And who wants to see that?
EDIT: Just watched the video with the volume up. That is not me narrating. One, i'm not American. Two, i'm nowhere near as good as this guy.
So I thought I would update you on things (that is what a blog is for anyway).
So as XBox continues its very slow and painful push towards summer and the hot new releases that wait upon us then, I have been drawn back into my PS2.
This is partly down to Wrestlemania 25. I've been a wrestling fan since I was like 12 and have always watched it on and off through the years. Since I moved to Uni, i've kinda lost touch. But we ordered WM25 cause it's cool like.
Yesterday in the aftermath of the event (Undertaker vs HBK= sick) me and Scott (PLUG! Check his blog here) went to town and bought WWE SmackDown: Here Comes the Pain for a beautiful £1.50 from CEX.
What a bargain.
And so we played it...for hours.
It's an awesome game. Check it out. We're currently trying to get Kane to Wrestlemania.
I should be doing an important dissertation, I haven't though.
Just wanted to pop by to tell you this small tale from last night.
Basically, i've never been very good at Call of Duty: World at War. Online after almost 4-5 months of gameplay i'm still only level 52. I have yet to reach prestige.
Out of my 12 friends who play the game, I have one of the worst K/D spreads (kills to death ratio), it sits at 0.84 at time of writing.
But yesterday me and Dan decided to play some COD for the first time in over a month. And frankly, I rawked it.
For some reason, I had a great session. Either the game has become infested with n00bs, or the break has done me good.
I have yet to download the DLC for Map Pack 1 (although I've read that it has reached over 1 million downloads, read more on that here), but I have played the free day Makin download and it's pretty good.
On the Upheavel map though came my greatest game of COD ever. 20 kills, only 2 deaths. I released the dogs, they pwned 7 guys, it was glorious.
It may not seem like a huge achievement for most, but for me it is enough to tell you all about right now.
Note: How did you like my cool internet lingo?
Also, new Zero Punctuation today at 5pm GMT, check the linkometer to find your way there.