Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Chapter 21: XBox, FIFA09, Prince of Persia, A Big Ol' XBox Update...

- credit tomasland


Do you remember when this blog was updated daily, the sun shined in the sky and the world was a much better place?

You do?

I know, it was lovely.

Then do you remember the last couple of weeks where the blog was sporadically updated with totally off-topic Unicorn kidknapping videos?

You do?

You hated it?

Well have no fear friends, it is time to put things back on track with this huge XBox360 blog update post.


"Hail the conquering hero, na na na na na na" (- credit Aladdin)

So here is my XBox update. Yeux en avant...

So as you can see from my huge achievement post of Friday, I had rather a good time on the XBox last week.

Firstly, I completed Prince of Persia. It took me around 4 hours of Friday to do it, but it is done. It was a struggle, a real struggle. The Fall Out Boy Prince still hadn't learnt from our previous adventures and occasionally decided to leap to certain doom.

Also, the ending is ridiculous. You parkour your way around Persia (which is quite an unstable and rocky land I feel), free all the lands, take on some dragon boss, only to end the game undoing everything you've fought for in the past few cutting down some trees.

What a dick.

I hate that Prince so much. If
Prince of Persia 2 is repeating the first game, I will be pissed.

The good thing was the huge amount of gamerpoints I received. Also, I beat the game in under 12 hours which is good for me and somehow, quite unbelievebly, I got the 100G achievement for being rescued by Elika less than 100 times in the whole game. I don't know how this happened. But it did.

Even better, Dan didn't get this achievement. He whined like a bitch about it, that was fun. The man has around 25,000 gamerpoints but he can't handle my flow.

Yesterday I had a mighty old scare. I wanted to play a game of FIFA09 but the game kept crashing at the loading screen. I feared my XBox version 2 was on it's way out after 6 months. Eventually it fixed itself but i'm still dubious. XBox disk drives seem unstable, and i'm paranoid.

My next game i'm aiming to tackle is GTA4. I've played through it before when I bought it last year. But as I wasn't a Gold member I lost all achievements when I went to ChocRaisin.

Let's hope Niko Bellic doesn't whine nearly as much this time around.

So there is your update.

Oh yeah, I bought a monocle too...then I lost it.


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